6 November 2017
National Survey: Discrimination against students with disability in schools is widespread
A national survey of students with disability has revealed that discrimination against children and young people with disability in our education system is rife.
Students, families and teaching staff across Australia participated in the survey conducted by academics at the University of Melbourne, Macquarie University and CurtinUniversity.
The results released publicly today in a paper titled, “Gatekeeping and restrictive practices with students with disability: results of an Australian survey”, by Dr Shiralee Poed, Dr Kathy Cologon and Dr Robert Jackson, and delivered at the Inclusive Education Summit, Adelaide, October 2017, reveal that more than 70% of students have experienced one or more instances of disciminatory “gatekeeping” or restrictive practices in schools and education systems.
Click here to read IN FULL the joint Media Release by All Means All – The Australian Alliance for Inclusive Education and Children and Young People With Disability Australia.