"Inclusive education is not a passing “fad” or the latest educational philosophy. It's a recognised fundamental human right of every child and it's backed by 40 years of research evidence showing that students with disability in general education classrooms outperform peers in segregated settings."
Catia Malaquias, co-Founder, All Means All and SIPN School Inclusion Parent Network
"The right to inclusive education encompasses a transformation in culture, policy and practice in all educational environments to accommodate the differing requirements and identities of individual students, together with a commitment to remove the barriers that impede that possibility."
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities, General Comment No 4 (2016) on Article 24: Right to Inclusive Education (Para 9)
"No review could be found comparing segregation and inclusion that came out in favour of segregation in over forty years of research."
Jackson, R. (2008), Inclusion or Segregation for Children with an Intellectual Impairment: What does the Research Say?
"The greater the proportion of the school day spent with non-disabled students, the higher the mathematic and language outcomes for students with disabilities."
Hehir, T., Grindal, T., & Eidelman, H. (2012). Review of special education in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
"As adults, students with disabilities who have been included are more likely to be enrolled in post-secondary education, and to be employed or living independently.”
Hehir, T. & Others (2016). A Summary of the Evidence on Inclusive Education
"Including students with disabilities in regular education classes does not harm non-disabled students and may even confer some academic and social benefits."
Hehir, T. & Others (2016). A Summary of the Evidence on Inclusive Education
"The Committee urges States parties to achieve a transfer of resources from segregated to inclusive environments [and] develop a funding model that allocates resources and incentives for inclusive educational environments to provide the necessary support to persons with disabilities."
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities, General Comment No 4 (2016) on Article 24: Right to Inclusive Education (Para 68)
Italy closed its special schools in 1977 and today more than 99% of students with disability are educated in regular classrooms and families report a very positive over-all school experience rating of 4 on a scale of 1 to 5.
Zero Project Report, 2016
All Means All is the Australian Alliance for Inclusive Education, a nationwide multi-stakeholder alliance working together to implement an inclusive education system and remove the legal, structural and attitudinal barriers that limit the rights of some students to access full inclusive education.
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